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STRIEGEL-Pro PN for Permanent Grassland

The Striegel-Pro straw harrow is primarily designed for crop residue management. The technical design of this type of machine also allows the use of the machine for spring levelling and warming up topsoil just before sowing, or for cultivating permanent grassland in spring. This spring, we started to do demonstration shows with the mounted version of the Striegel-Pro PN 6000 (work coverage of 6m) on the pastures of farming businesses in South Bohemia.

Demo Shows Started in the Kovářov Co-op

The first demonstration of the PN 6000 straw harrow took place in the Kovářov Co-op. The machine with front cutting coulters and five rows of overlapping straws managed to clean the pasture from mosses, level clods, remove old grass and aerate the vegetation in a single pass. As a result, sprouting improved and the permanent grassland thickened.

Solution for Pastures Damaged by Wild Pigs

Striegel is also great for places where pigs have been digging; it levels the soil in a single pass, but if you want the land to be finer, you have to do two passes. We were in a pasture with cattle excrements from last year and the machine crumbled everything perfectly,” comments Milan Máz,Sales Representative for South Bohemia.


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